ABTEC爱普泰科 高性能电声测试测试仪 多通道音频测试仪 A4
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AMETEK Asterion 交流电源 大功率交流源
AMETEK 阿美特克 高稳定度可编程直流电源 ASD
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1、Low band corner frequency 达10Hz,可支援一般离线式电源供应器(off-line power supplies)之测量
3、 超高频宽,可达23 Octave
4、 优异精确的低失真表现
7、 详细规格
The injection transformer is presently the prevalent method for connecting the network analyzer to the circuit being tested, and is primarily used for control loop stability measurements. The goal of the transformer is to inject a signal into the control loop being measured, without impacting the performance of the loop. In order to accomplish this to a reasonable degree, The transformer is isolated and therefore is capable of floating on a high voltage, such as a Power Factor Corrector (PFC), which is often close to 400VDC. Measuring voltages that exceed the voltage rating of the FRA inputs require attenuation probes.
The usable bandwidth of an injection transformer is generally significantly greater than the 3dB frequency limits. This is because the transformer itself is outside of the measurement, leading many to incorrectly believe that the transformer is a non-critical element.
The bandwidth of the transformer is strongly related to the terminating impedance. The most network analyzers provide a 50 Ohm oscillator source impedance. Assuming this impedance the optimal termination resistor is 5 Ohms. This significantly attenuates the injection signal, which is generally beneficial, as a common error in Bode measurements is using a signal which is too large, and therefore not a small signal measurement. An added benefit of this low value is that it can generally be left in circuit at all times, simplifying the connection to the network analyzer without appreciably impacting the output voltage of the circuit being tested.
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AMETEK 阿美特克 高性能直流电源 可编程模块化水冷直流电源 高稳定度可编程直流电源 ASD
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AMETEK 阿美特克程控电源 交流电源 Asterion
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PICOTEST 多功能数字万用表 M3521A
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