pe浮筒式拦污带 河道湖泊水草垃圾隔离拦截浮漂
抽沙管道浮体 水面警示浮漂 非钢制塑胶漂浮桶
滚塑疏浚浮体 10寸管道漂浮块 柏泰LLDPE材质浮筒浮体供应
汕头海上抽沙管道浮体 加厚聚乙烯抱管子漂浮桶安装方法
大口径塑胶管道漂浮桶 水库抽水管道浮体 柏泰HDPE浮筒浮体供应
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取水口喷字警示浮标 柏泰FB700*1100塑料灯浮漂
规格 直径 高度
HB700*900 700 900
HB700*1100 700 1100
HB800*1400 800 1400
HB1200*1500 1200 1500
HB1400*1400 1400 1400
HB1500*1800 1500 1800
HB1800*1800 1800 1800
The buoy has the advantages of good stability, long service life, simple installation and maintenance of channel warning buoy, strong resistance to Hurricane and hail, energy conservation, environmental protection, economy and practicality. The floating body of the buoy is made of polyethylene. The buoy is mainly composed of * sign or Watchboard, support, floating body (compartment), tail pipe and balance iron. It can be equipped with lamp, radar reflector, radar transponder, solar panel, label display device, etc., and its lower part is tied with anchorage equipment. Channel buoy | buoy configuration | buoy model is applicable to water buoys set by transportation, fishery, scientific research, stone * survey, marine development and military departments in the China * sea area and its ports and Tonghai estuary. Baitai production buoy has the advantages of good stability, long service life, simple installation and maintenance, safety performance, energy conservation and environmental protection, economy and practicality.
PE悬挂式拦污网浮球 随水位升降式浮筒式拦污排设施¥580.00
浮动式河道拦污装置 pe绳索串联柔性拦河网浮排¥160.00
设计加工进水口浮筒式拦污浮排漂浮桶 非钢制LLDPE材质拦污浮体¥580.00
川滇水电站浮筒式拦漂排设施 闸口水域围污浮拦漂浮桶¥830.00
浮筒式水电站拦漂排装置 LLDPE两瓣拦污浮筒¥830.00
景观河道垃圾隔离浮拦漂浮筒 水电站拦污浮排¥265.00
pe塑胶水上拦污浮筒 景区水上拦漂浮拦漂浮桶¥265.00
柏泰塑胶管道浮撑块浮体 6寸8寸10寸抽沙管道漂浮桶规格
取水泵站套管子漂浮桶 14寸两瓣对夹式安装塑料管道浮块
HDPE管线浮撑块浮漂 8寸疏浚排泥管线浮筒
柏泰厂家配套加工海上输油管浮撑 水库河道抽沙疏浚管浮体
对夹螺栓安装水电站拦污浮体 浮筒式拦污导漂装置
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